The Mission

To record the history of chiropractic in Asia, providing a more complete picture of chiropractic history throughout the world.

The Current Situation*

  • Non-chiropractors, such as MDs and Traditional Eastern doctors, are utilizing chiropractic incorrectly and making significant profit.

  • Chiropractors who have graduated from a chiropractic college are struggling or going through challenges of finding help (e.g. more chiropractors to serve more people) or community or (governmental) support, especially within the government.

  • There are more people who can't afford chiropractic than can afford it. A great deal of the population in Asia can’t afford chiropractic and resort to other modalities or back-alley practitioners.

  • A lot of people don't know about chiropractic care, although spinal manipulations are a familiar concept within their traditional health modalities.

*this applies to most countries/regions, one of the exceptions being Hong Kong

The Vision

To uncover and uplift chiropractic in Asia, unifying the Chiropractic community globally through awareness and historical information.


By creating and strengthening relationships within the Chiropractic profession, we can spread Chiropractic farther into the world together, thus embarking on the road of history together.

Contributors to the Chiropractic profession are often unrecognized. Through ChiroASIA, we hope to bring recognition to those who have worked hard to protect and preserve the profession in Asia, empowering the current and upcoming generation of chiropractors to continue to serve humanity with the utmost care through love and passion.