South Korea

Quick Facts



Sometime after, the first chiropractic clinic was opened at Daegu College, where the professors at Life university worked together with MDs at community hospitals near the clinic.

Over the years, chiropractors continued to face prosecutions and convictions, the third prosecution likely resulting in a prison sentence. 

Legalization Status

The government disproves of chiropractors treating patients in Korea, although other practitioners such as Oriental Doctors and Physical Therapists utilize chiropractic techniques and tools in their practice. The DCs have been working to legalize the right to practice but are faced with adversarial organizations and other counterparts. 

Although spinal manipulation has been within Oriental Traditional Medicine, the methods of Chiropractic adjusting are known as "chuna" in Korea. Most, if not all, of those who practice "chuna" do not have DC degrees. However, the average Korean person would prefer to receive "chuna" over chiropractic as the Korean population is not aware of the difference between the two. 

Practitioners such as acupuncturists, physical therapists, etc. are utilizing chiropractic techniques and tools in their offices but one can say that they are not following correct protocols. Weekend seminars from DCs are usually the educational route of these practitioners.


These links will take you to the website where the technique's full protocol and efforts are listed and described. 


Chiropractic  Association 

Contact us for more information.

ChiroASIA Korea 

Regional Representative

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