
Quick Facts

  • Legalization Status: Legal

  • % of Population Receiving Chiropractic: < 1%

  • Population Size: 5.9 million

  • Common Health Modalities: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine

  • Common Chiropractic Techniques: <in progress>



  • 1978: Chiropractic established in Singapore by Dr. Carol S. Elder-Birnbaum

  • 1993-1987: The Chiropractic Association (of Singapore established)

  • Jan. 1988: Registration of Chiropractic Association

  • 1989: The Chiropractic Association (Singapore) became the national constituent member of the World Federation of Chiropractic

  • 1990’s: Increase in chiropractic clinics

  • 2000: Meetings with the Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore were held

  • 2002: Self-regulation document (SRD) was developed, and ratified by membership and adopted

  • 2007: Revision of SRD ratified by membership, also ratified was the requirement for Continuing Professional Development that has to be satisfied for renewal of membership

Legalization Status

Legal in Singapore - as long as DC training certificate from accredited organization is presentable to The Chiropractic Association (of Singapore).


These links will take you to the website where the technique's full protocol and efforts are listed and described.


Chiropractic Association

ChiroASIA Singapore

Regional Representative

<position open>