
Quick Facts

  • Legalization Status: Unclear

  • % of Population Receiving Chiropractic: < 1%

  • Population Size: 98.81 million

  • Common Health Modalities: Coining and Cupping, Herbology, Acupuncture, Massage, Western Medicine

  • Common Chiropractic Techniques: Diversified


It is still unknown who the first chiropractor who came to Vietnam was and when the chiropractic movement started.

Dr. Wade was the first chiropractor to receive a practice license from the Ministry of Health (MoH) & the Vietnam Government in 2006. ACC is thus the first registered chiropractic clinic in Vietnam.

It is uncertain how chiropractic found its way to Vietnam, but the first chiropractor to receive a practice license from the Ministry of Health & Vietnam Government was in 2006. Since then, chiropractors from the US, New Zealand, France, and Korea have continued to help the growth of chiropractic in Vietnam.

The first registered chiropractic clinic in Vietnam was ACC and- since its start 16 years ago- has expanded to multiple locations.

Legalization Status

Chiropractic is recognized, but is neither legal or illegal.


These links will take you to the website where the technique's full protocol and efforts are listed and described.


American Chiropractic Clinic

ChiroASIA Vietnam

Regional Representative

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*Currently, there is no chiropractic association in Vietnam.